April 16: Second Sunday of Easter
Check out the craft video featuring today’s readings with a video from ‘Catholic Crafts with Clare’!"Now a week later his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus…
Check out the craft video featuring today’s readings with a video from ‘Catholic Crafts with Clare’!"Now a week later his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus…
Check out a previous craft video featuring today’s readings with a video from ‘Catholic Crafts with Clare’! "So Peter and the other disciple went out and came to the tomb. They…
Check out a previous craft video featuring today’s readings with a video from ‘Catholic Crafts with Clare’!The very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from…
Check out a previous craft video featuring today's gospel readings with a how-to video from 'Catholic Crafts with Clare'! *If you ordered our Lent box for 2023, this video will…
Check out a previous craft video featuring today's gospel readings with a how-to video from 'Catholic Crafts with Clare'! *If you ordered our Lent box for 2023, this craft video…
Check out a previous craft video featuring today's readings with a how-to video from 'Catholic Crafts with Clare'! *If you ordered our Lent box for 2023, this craft video will…
Check out a previous video featuring today's craft and readings with a how-to video from 'Catholic Crafts with Clare'! "Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and led them…
Check out a previous video featuring today's craft with a how-to video from 'Catholic Crafts with Clare'!"It is written: One does not live on bread alone, but on every word…
Check out a previous craft video featuring today's readings with a video from 'Catholic Crafts with Clare'!"You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate…
Check out a previous craft video where we discuss the Ten Commandments with a video from 'Catholic Crafts with Clare'!"But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest…