“I am the living bread that came down from heaven.” We can use this week’s monstrance craft to remember how much Jesus loves us! (June 14, 2020).
So many children are preparing for the First Holy Communions, many this weekend! Clare is preparing for hers as well – not this Sunday, but soon. I am grateful and excited for her to be able to receive Christ in the Eucharist!
We’ve been using a series by Dynamic Catholic, Blessed, for part of her preparation. All of our kids (at least from ages 4-8) actually love watching the animations that go along with the program. Anyway, just something awesome (and free) online for families to use!
I’ve seen a lot of different responses to dealing with church restrictions and First Holy Communion celebrations. I encourage you to help your children look forward to receiving Christ – even if there isn’t a party or big group photos. My brother has a wedding coming up. There will be 10 people there, and a larger party hopefully in a year. But what matters? The sacrament.
May we stay focused on Christ!
God Bless You,
The Mass Box Family
(Ashley, Raymond, Clare, Dominic, Joseph, and Catherine)